Sunday, November 25, 2012


My debate post must have not posted before hitting the "X" on my browser.
So, I will retype it and hopefully no penalty will occur. 

I believe the advertising of tobacco is absolutely fine and there should be no limitations on it. Not only because of the freedom of speech and other freedoms us as Americans are privileged to have, but because we--people over 18--are normal human beings and can make our own decisions. It is a product.  A product just like shirts, shoes, food, and anything else on sale. It is a product that advertisers   try to make consumers buy. It is the job for the consumer to decide whether to buy it or not. It is similar to someone falling off a ship: someone will throw you a life vest, it is their choice to grab the vest or drown. The person throwing it simply put it out there to see it--- just like marketers do with their products. 

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