Thursday, November 1, 2012

Citation practice, Mary Arnett

“Over 85,000 Americans await a suitable organ donor, and the number of eligible donors is typically around 13,000 individuals yearly with over one half of donors being living donors.”

 Citation: Feeley, TH, and D, III Vincent. "How Organ Donation Is Represented In Newspaper Articles In The United States." Health Communication 21.2 (2007): 125-131. CINAHL. Web. 1 Nov. 2012.

Paraphrase:  Over 85,00 Americans are in need of an organ from an organ donor. The number of available donors is around 13,000 with more than half being living donors.

 Summarize: More than 85,000 people are waiting for organs from a pool of about 13,000 donors, half those donors being living. 

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