Friday, September 7, 2012

Zero draft Jacob Cash

Jacob Cash

English Writing

Free write/ cartoon

            In the cartoon “Are you better off now then you were four years ago? Hello?”, there is a picture of a gravestone. The name on the grave stone is “economy”. What this is telling us is that the economy has went to shambles. Our economy is not doing very well. It is not as bad as it used to be but it is still bad. Two years ago it would be nearly impossible for someone who was laid off to find a job. But the economy is slowly getting better. Many people blame the economy going bad on the president. While I slightly agree, it is not all his fault. Im a big time republican so I do not agree with a lot of the things that Obama does. His creating jobs campaign did not work out as it was supposed to. At least I know that for the construction side. My dad does a lot of road construction. Obama “created” all these jobs for the unemployed. Obama found old roads that needed to be fixed and “created” a job for them. Well my dad told me this didn’t work out as Obama planned. Instead of hiring a bunch of new employees for the jobs, they just worked the employees they had longer and harder.

            Also in this cartoon they have a shovel leaning up against the gravestone. I think the shovel resembles the economy that has fell. Meaning the economy is really bad and it’s so deep they have to dig it up essentially. The reporter is bending over talking deep down into the hole, like the economy is bad.  I really don’t know what else to say about this cartoon. I think it is pretty straight forward. Its just saying the economy isn’t doing that well.

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