Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Research question

Research Question

  • What is research question?
      Clear, concise, arguable, focused question around with which  
      you center your research  
  • Why is a research question essential in research process?
      It will help you to choose direction for the paper
      Guide the paper
  • Steps to developing a research question 
  1. Choose an interesting broad topic -start the broad topic which you genuinely would like to know more
  2. Do some preliminary research on your general topic - do quick searches in current periodicals and journals on your topic to see what's already been done and to help you narrow your focus
  3. Consider the audience - keep you audience in mind when narrowing down your topic and develop research question Would that particular audience be interested in this question?
  4. Start asking questions - start asking yourself open ended 'how' and 'why' questions 
  5. Evaluate the research question
    1. Is your research question clear? 
    2. Is your research question focused?
  6. Hypothesize

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